Business Territory 1 |
Available on CD-ROM in both single-user and network versions for intranet and Internet servers Business Territory 1 brochure (.pdf) Start Business
Territory 1 Demo Business Territory 1 requires Adobe Flash
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Business Territory 1 exposes students to authentic idiomatic business English. The non-scripted language of the interviews offers a variety of British accents and prepares learners for communication in real-life business environments. The integrated activities cover around 40 hours of student work and the language auditing task-types include true-false comprehension, opinion-gap, ranking, and gapfill. Features
Feedback and comments from users:“Let me say I think Business Territory 1 is excellent! It's very “user friendly" and you get a very comprehensive overview of the company and the various positions there very quickly. The speeches and text are thorough yet not too difficult for ESL students and the whole package is very well coordinated and "cross indexed". Also the ideas for class projects, teacher aids etc. seem very creative." Jeremy Davis, Taiwan “Our school has been using Business Territory now for three months with very positive results. Students like the idea of "meeting" other native speakers apart from our teachers and the fact that they are real business people on screen and not actors pretending. The input from the ROM has led seamlessly to group work that has the feeling of ‘real’ Business English. All in all Business Territory is a valuable addition to any language school's CD collection”. Dr. Mike Nelson, Finland |
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